Play with Music with JavaScript

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Just for fun I am going through a series of JavaScript games and creating my own versions. For my own twist, I thought it'd be fun to add some sounds to the game, and wondered if there's a way to do it with code. Sure enough, there is. There's a Web Audio API that can be used in the browser. Mozilla has an example synth with code to get started.

Here's a sample of code that I've pieced together to play a scale, just to get me started. The function playTone takes in three parameters; a frequency value for the note itself, a duration to play the note and a delay period before playing the note.

var audioContext = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();

// Reference
function playTone(freq, time = null, delay = 0) {
let masterGainNode = audioContext.createGain();
masterGainNode.gain.value = 0.6;

let type = "triangle"; // sine | square | sawtooth | triangle

let osc = audioContext.createOscillator();
osc.type = type;
osc.frequency.value = freq;

delay = delay * 1000;
setTimeout(function() {

if (time != null) {
let duration = time * 1000;
setTimeout(function() {
}, duration);
}, delay);

return osc;

// An Object of an 8 note scale
let note = {
C5 : 523.2511306011972,
D5 : 587.3295358348151,
E5 : 659.2551138257398,
F5 : 698.4564628660078,
G5 : 783.9908719634985,
A5 : 880,
B5 : 987.7666025122483,
C6 : 1046.5022612023945

playTone(note.C5, 1, 0);
playTone(note.D5, 1, 1);
playTone(note.E5, 1, 2);
playTone(note.F5, 1, 3);
playTone(note.G5, 1, 4);
playTone(note.A5, 1, 5);
playTone(note.B5, 1, 6);
playTone(note.C6, 1, 7);

This is far from creating an orchestral piece but I'm hoping to set a few notes together to play at least a chime of sorts in my game(s). Once I complete the chime, I'll update this post and place a link to the game here.